Totalitarianism in the Shadow of Decadence


“…it is likely that the most important part of Friday’s events has relatively little to do with the ending of that tragic war. The greatest significance of Friday’s events, it seems to me, is that it represents the loudest and most undeniable statement yet of Trump’s fondness for the totalitarian.” - Jake Meador


Relying on God, Not America: A Report from the Church in Ukraine


“ ‘As an American, it was sad for me to see President Trump not supporting a country that has freedom and democracy,’ he said. ‘It helps to remember my most important citizenship is in heaven, and I think Ukrainian believers are sensing that more than ever now too.’” - TGC


'House of David' review: Visually stunning and spiritually rich series brings Old Testament to life


“With strong cinematography, solid performances and a focus on biblical accuracy, Prime Video’s ‘House of David’ is an ambitious mix of drama and historical storytelling, capturing the fall of King Saul and the simultaneous rise of David with the scope of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the character depth of ‘The Chosen.’” - CPost



Lessons from Post-Soviet Russia for American Christians


“Perhaps Solzhenitsyn was right in his Harvard address, that the Communist East and the Capitalist West were fundamentally the same–deeply materialistic at their core. If this is true, then this resurgent interest in religiosity or spirituality is simply a thin veneer that, when scratched, reveals the same old materialism and secularism.” - Mere Orthodoxy


A Christian response to immigration


“Immigration, particularly unauthorized immigration, presents complex challenges. Our laws need compassion, clarity and enforcement…. Laws help maintain order and safety in a society. However, much of the rhetoric dominating conversations and social media is unproductive and divisive.” - Baptist Press
