Trueman on the Ethics of IVF: Human Through and Through


“While I do not deny the humanity of the child born by IVF or surrogacy, the procedures do. The child in the womb is treated not as a person but as a thing, not as a subject but as an object, not as intrinsically valuable but as having value only as instrumental to some other end.” - Carl Trueman


The Restlessness of the “Spiritual but Not Religious”


“According to a recent article in Psychology Today, those who describe themselves as ‘spiritual but not religious,’ which is over one in five Americans, are at higher risk of mental illness compared to the religious and the non-religious.” - Breakpoint


Is the Golden Age of Social Media Over?


“If every app looks like every other app, where’s the allure? This shift away from uniqueness signals that social media, once a playground for individuality, is now just a playground for profit.” - Relevant


Are (at least somewhat reverential) highly imaginative movies and books about Bible characters a good thing?

Whether in media (The Chosen) or in writing (like Max Lucado, for example), there seems to be a trend of blending fiction/speculation with Bible content. When this is done irreverently, I think we all agree it would be wrong. But, in the cases of the above, it is not. This is quite different from prophetic fiction (an attempt to create fiction within a theological frame but with the clear understand the story itself is fiction). How do you feel about that? What are the proper limits of imagination when dealing with Bible narrative?
