4 Cultural Realities Ministry Leaders Must Be Prepared For
“1. The trajectory of Tocqueville… ‘expressive individualism’….2. The segmentation of the body from the soul…. 3. The perception that historical Christianity is bigoted…. 4. The omni-channel reality… the implications of technology” - Eric Geiger
An excellent read. So much of the energy in response to our shifting culture seems to be going into outrage, resentment, dread, alienation, etc. Most of that energey needs to go into understanding, teaching, and preparing instead.
Some more…
Because the cultural context has changed (I don’t believe I had one class or even one session in one class on any of these cultural realities), ministry leaders who were prepared years ago must find new ways to be prepared today.
Though today’s context is more challenging, I am hopeful and excited about the opportunities it presents. This list could be much longer, but here are four realities of our current cultural context that ministry leaders need to be prepared for.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.