A Quick Character Test for Christian Leaders


“Do I think of myself as a leader before I seriously think about my sinfulness? …Do I so see myself in charge that I consider too little the truth that the church belongs to Christ?…Am I living for my recognition or Jesus’ recognition?” - Chuck Lawless


What Does Untainted Leadership Look Like?


“Adam became a leader, or a steward, because God made him one. God is still the One who gives leadership to people ‘since there is no authority except from God’ (Romans 13:1). Leadership before it was tainted consisted of watching over and working.” - Eric Geiger


Defining Strong Leaders in the 21st Century


“Christians sometimes fail to speak out against this distorted view of leadership strength because they embrace a false dichotomy between secular and sacred spheres. They tout biblically-based leadership models like “steward leadership” or “servant leadership” for those inside the four walls of ministry but hesitate to apply those same biblical truths to secular leadership.” - IFWE


Gut Check: The Value of “Leemers”


“I’ve been told that ‘Leemers’ is a term used by naval aviators to describe a gut feeling that something is wrong, even if there’s no definitive proof…. it’s a brilliant concept and something we need to consider in our work.” - Phil Cooke


The Power of Coaches In Ministry


“Whether formally or informally, coaches are game changers. And their input parallels an interaction between Jethro (a priest) and his son-in-law Moses. ‘Listen now to my voice…I will give you counsel, and God will be with you.’” - RBM


Controlling the Control Bug

A few years back, in an editorial for the Kokomo Tribune, in a series about “social connectedness,” I mentioned what I call the “anonymous lifestyle.” Now I would like to use that concept as a jumping board for another issue: the “control obsession.”


How To Say “No”


“until we start staying no to some things, we’ll never have time to pursue the really important things.” - Phil Cooke
