40 Things I’ve Learned in 40 Years of Ministry


“It was forty years ago that I began serving a small rural church in southern Indiana. I was so incredibly green then; I’m glad I didn’t always realize it. I loved those people in that church, and for some reason, they loved me, too.” - Thom Rainer


Investing in the Future: Helping Others Take Their Next Step in Serving Christ


“God has graciously allowed us to mentor, support, and send out several men…. Their stories are a testament to what God can do when a church is committed to investing in individuals, encouraging them, and walking with them as they step into the ministries God has called them to.” - GARBC


What Does Untainted Leadership Look Like?


“Adam became a leader, or a steward, because God made him one. God is still the One who gives leadership to people ‘since there is no authority except from God’ (Romans 13:1). Leadership before it was tainted consisted of watching over and working.” - Eric Geiger


How to Make Changes without Blowing It Apart


“…what the church really said was, ‘Pastor, we’re dying on the vine. We need somebody who is old and can help us make changes without blowing it apart.’” - GARBC


On Being a Servant, Not a Celebrity (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

Is it possible to seek to advance and excel in ministry without being caught up in the celebrity syndrome?

How can we make the greatest impact possible for the cause of Christ—without falling into the traps that come with celebrity status? How can a minister remain accountable in ways that are both effective and healthy, as we travel to preach and teach?


On Being a Servant, Not a Celebrity (Part 1)

When I began my ministry with The Friends of Israel in 2019, I started with one verse emblazoned on my mind: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). I saw FOI as a wonderful outlet through which to serve the Lord and His people. And God gave me a burden to minister in this way.


12 Things I Wish I'd Said as a Pastor


“One week ago, I preached at a church in the area where I pastored for 14 years…. I also think about some things I wish I had done differently. So, here are some of those things I wish I had said.” - Chuck Lawless
