Be Still and Wonder: Two Habits for Hurried Souls


“Sometimes, our spiritual struggles come not because we have neglected God’s word but because we have neglected his world. …We may indeed have spiritual issues to address. But our first solution may simply be this: open your eyes and ears and wonder at the world God made.”- Desiring God


It’s a Conspiracy! A Biblical View of Conspiracy Theories


“Scripture also gives examples of conspiracy theories. Saul believed a conspiracy theory that David wanted to kill him (1 Sam. 22:8, 13), the Pharisees created a conspiracy theory to undermine and deceive others about the truth of Christ’s resurrection (Matt. 28:12-15), and Thomas chose to believe a conspiracy theory rather than the truth of Christ’s resurrection (Jn. 20:24-25).” - P&D


My Top Reads of 2024

I read a lot of books. I sometimes review some of them at this blog. Some of the best books I read don’t get a review, either because I meander my way through them, or because I just don’t feel like reviewing a book at that particular time. Owing to the fact that I had my own book to get to the press I did not read as much as I usually do.


Resolve to Rest, Not Rot


“Oxford University Press’s 2024 word of the year is … ‘brain rot.’ The term is not new. Henry David Thoreau first used it in his 1854 book Walden to refer to the devaluing of complex ideas in favor of simple ones.” - Breakpoint


The 2025 Christian Reading Challenge


“Whether you are a light reader or completely obsessed, this 2025 Christian Reading Challenge is designed to help you read more and broaden the scope of your reading.” - Challies


Have You Lost the Ability to Think Deeply?


“Jesus commands us in Mark 12:30, ‘Love the Lord your God … with all your mind’—our minds are connected to our affections. When we limit mindless entertainment and replace it with deeper content and conversations, our relationship with God and others will benefit.” - TGC
