Appreciating the God-Given Gift of Work


“The phenomenon can be called the ‘Sunday to Monday gap,’ the ‘sacred and secular divide’ or practical atheism. Call it what you will, but seeing all aspects of our lives through the lens of our faith in God can often be counterintuitive.” - IFWE


Review: ‘Cross Purposes’ by Jonathan Rauch


“Christianity is absolutely compatible with a neutral, procedural liberalism—in fact, Christendom birthed that political system. But Christianity isn’t entirely compatible with a secular, value-laden version of liberalism.” - TGC


A Time to Be Silent: When to Refrain from Sharing the Gospel

One of the marks of a Christian is a desire to share the good news of the life-transforming gospel with others. In the words of the apostles, “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). But what if a friend, fellow worker, schoolmate, or family member asks us to desist? Does there come a time when we should refrain from speaking to a person about Jesus and Christianity?


Math, the Biblical Worldview, and the Mystery of God


How does a biblical worldview ground math? Is math a reflection of the mind of God (which we recognize because His creation is orderly, and to some degree reflects His nature)—similar to laws of logic being a reflection of the perfect mind of God?


Atheist or Christian, We All Choose Our Miracle


“Even those who reject the claims of the Christian worldview… should ask themselves whether, without realizing it, they sometimes borrow from the Christian worldview because their own worldview cannot provide a foundation on which to judge good and evil.” - Randy Alcorn


The Religion of Secularism


“Secularism is the belief that man does not need God or God’s laws in man’s social, governmental, educational, or economic affairs. Ironically, secularism rejects religion, yet is itself a religion.” - Ligonier
