Does Spring Fever get to you? Do you believe it is a real phenomenon?
Poll Results
Does Spring Fever get to you? Do you believe it is a real phenomenon?
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Formerly “Poll of the Week”
Poll Results
Does Spring Fever get to you? Do you believe it is a real phenomenon?
Poll Results
What Is Your Perspective on Using the Term, “Easter” for Resurrection Sunday?
Poll Results
On which day of the week did Jesus die?
Monday Votes: 0
Tuesday Votes: 0
Wednesday Votes: 2
Thursday Votes: 4
Friday Votes: 8
Saturday Votes: 0
Sunday Votes: 0
The Scripture are so unclear I cannot make a good guess Votes: 0
Other (you would think there’d be nothing left out, but I found it) Votes: 0
Poll Results
Judgement Seat: Romans 14:12 says, “So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.” What does it mean?
Poll Results
Of the best-known Reformers after 1,000 A.D. and before or during the 17th century, who is your favorite?
Luther Votes: 4
Calvin Votes: 7
Zwingli Votes: 3
Hus Votes: 1
Wycliffe Votes: 2
Tyndale Votes: 3
Waldo Votes: 1
Other (please comment) Votes: 0
Poll Results
Should Believers Avoid Eating Blood (Acts 15:29)?
Yes, with rigor Votes: 1
Yes, but only if it is called to our attention Votes: 3
No, this was only a concession for the Jews Votes: 0
No, it was only for that era Votes: 1
It is unclear or I am undecided Votes: 0
Other Votes: 1
Yes, for believers who fellowship with Jewish believers Votes: 2
Poll Results
What Is Your Favorite Minor Prophet
Hosea Votes: 8
Joel Votes: 1
Zechariah Votes: 3
Malachi Votes: 1
Amos Votes: 0
Obadiah Votes: 0
Jonah Votes: 2
Micah Votes: 0
Nahum Votes: 0
Habakkuk Votes: 3
Zephaniah Votes: 1
Haggai Votes: 1
Poll Results
What is your view of the word “hell” when used as an exclamation.
Poll Results
How Do You Understand Psalm 138:2b “you have exalted above all things your name and your word.”
Poll Results
How Crucial is Focus (Concentration) In Worship?
indispensible: Worship Without Our Concentration is a Farse Votes: 11
Extremely important and required as the rule Votes: 5
Important Votes: 2
Somewhat important Votes: 0
Not important Votes: 0
Varies with the person Votes: 1
Other Votes: 0