What do you or your church require for baptism

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What do you or your church require for baptism

Nothing much — we practice infant baptism Votes: 0
A simple profession of faith Votes: 5
A profession and a brief lesson or two Votes: 4
A simple profession is the minimum, but we prefer to do more Votes: 3
A profession and a completed class series or booklet, etc. Votes: 3
Other Votes: 2
We do not believe baptism is for today Votes: 1

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


Before I will baptize a person, I seek a credible profession of faith, meaning a profession of faith that demonstrates a basic and clear understanding of the Gospel and how that has impacted the person’s life. For example, I will want to see that they understand that salvation is by grace through faith alone in Christ’s finished work on their behalf, that they have come to know that their sins are forgiven, and that they desire to follow Christ in obedience (the latter of which is typically seen in their wanting to be baptized in the first place).

As a part of my talk with them, I also try to give them a basic teaching on the meaning and importance of baptism, although I know that they will grow in their understanding of this more and more in the days and years to come.

Just want to point out that paedobaptists are also credobaptists, meaning that we baptize people from outside the covenant community upon their profession of faith. So, there’s really no place for the answer “infant baptism.” We have to think through all the same things Baptists do when it comes to persons of age and voluntary consent.

My Blog: http://dearreaderblog.com

Cor meum tibi offero Domine prompte et sincere. ~ John Calvin

Charlie, when you say that “paedobaptists are also credobaptists, meaning that we baptize people from outside the covenant community upon their profession of faith,” you assume the same thing most paedobaptists do, namely that the infants of believers are a part of the covenant community. I take strong exception to this, as I have argued, for example, in this blog article:


I would also point out that, when the term “credobaptist” is used over against the term “paedobaptist,” it designates those who believe in the baptism of believers only, so it is not accurate to say that “paedobaptists are also credobaptists.” Paedobaptists are those who believe in the baptism of believers and their children, whereas credobaptists are those who believe in the baptism of believers only.