On which day of the week did Jesus die?

Poll Results

On which day of the week did Jesus die?

Monday Votes: 0
Tuesday Votes: 0
Wednesday Votes: 2
Thursday Votes: 4
Friday Votes: 8
Saturday Votes: 0
Sunday Votes: 0
The Scripture are so unclear I cannot make a good guess Votes: 0
Other (you would think there’d be nothing left out, but I found it) Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


I think the “other” category might fall into the “probably” parameter. We know He rose on the first day of the week. We know he was three days in the grave. What we don’t know is how the time was reckoned. I think we can make educated assumptions, but I’m not sure we can speak with absolute confidence.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

I sure hope a day is not a thousand years in this case. If he evolved back to life we would need more time ;)

Harold, I like that one.

I’m a Friday guy. A while back, read a book on why it was Wednesday, but didn’t find it persuasive. It seems likely to me that even something as unreliable as word-of-mouth would have accurately passed on the day of the week for posterity.

But even if not, Friday works fine as a “chosen day,” like a lot of other observances.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

I know there is much debate, but I think there is a distiction between, “the third day” and “three days later.” The scripture uses the former to describe the time, rather than the former. Friday being the first day. My two cents worth, but if you give me two cents for it, I’ll give you a ha-penny change.
