Are prophecy conferences a worthwhile ministry in the local church?

Poll Results

Are prophecy conferences a worthwhile ministry in the local church?

Yes, God uses and blesses them. Votes: 2
In some churches, yes. Votes: 5
Still useful, but not as much as in the past Votes: 1
Never were a good idea Votes: 7
No, eschatology is all over the place even within local congregations Votes: 2
Other Votes: 2


Should a church require membership for a secretary or administrative assistant?

Poll Results

Should a church require membership for a secretary or administrative assistant?

Yes, definitely Votes: 9
No, definitely Votes: 1
Other Votes: 2
Yes, unless they are missionaries, etc., serving temporarily Votes: 3
Yes, ideally, not exceptions can be made Votes: 1
No, but membership is preferred Votes: 1
I used to have one opinion and now another (and I will explain) Votes: 0


What do you or your church require for baptism

Poll Results

What do you or your church require for baptism

Nothing much — we practice infant baptism Votes: 0
A simple profession of faith Votes: 5
A profession and a brief lesson or two Votes: 4
A simple profession is the minimum, but we prefer to do more Votes: 3
A profession and a completed class series or booklet, etc. Votes: 3
Other Votes: 2
We do not believe baptism is for today Votes: 1
