Do you believe pastors are specially called to ministry and that call carries with it some level of authority?
Poll Results
Do you believe pastors are specially called to ministry and that call carries with it some level of authority?
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Formerly “Poll of the Week”
Poll Results
Do you believe pastors are specially called to ministry and that call carries with it some level of authority?
Poll Results
Are prophecy conferences a worthwhile ministry in the local church?
Yes, God uses and blesses them. Votes: 2
In some churches, yes. Votes: 5
Still useful, but not as much as in the past Votes: 1
Never were a good idea Votes: 7
No, eschatology is all over the place even within local congregations Votes: 2
Other Votes: 2
Poll Results
What Is Your View About Bi-vocational Pastors?
Poll Results
Do the blessings God gave to Isaac and Ishmael bear any special relevance today (Genesis 17:17-22)?
Poll Results
What Best Describes The Relationship of the Believer to the Law of Moses (recognizing apriori that salvation is not by the Law)?
Poll Results
How serious a threat do you think hyper-calvinism is to evangelism? (hyper= constant emphasis)
Poll Results
Should a church require membership for a secretary or administrative assistant?
Yes, definitely Votes: 9
No, definitely Votes: 1
Other Votes: 2
Yes, unless they are missionaries, etc., serving temporarily Votes: 3
Yes, ideally, not exceptions can be made Votes: 1
No, but membership is preferred Votes: 1
I used to have one opinion and now another (and I will explain) Votes: 0
Poll Results
What do you or your church require for baptism
Nothing much — we practice infant baptism Votes: 0
A simple profession of faith Votes: 5
A profession and a brief lesson or two Votes: 4
A simple profession is the minimum, but we prefer to do more Votes: 3
A profession and a completed class series or booklet, etc. Votes: 3
Other Votes: 2
We do not believe baptism is for today Votes: 1
Poll Results
What is Your View Toward Playing Cards and Gambling? (Especially in light of the popularity of competition poker)
Poll Results
How Much Influence Does A Church’s Stand Have On Divorce?