How successful is your church/church family in outreach? Which best describes your church in your opinion?
Poll Results
How successful is your church/church family in outreach? Which best describes your church in your opinion?
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Formerly “Poll of the Week”
Poll Results
How successful is your church/church family in outreach? Which best describes your church in your opinion?
Poll Results
Knowing that different people need different amounts of sleep, how does sleep affect our success at godliness?
Poll Results
If the Election Were Between Romney and Obama, What Would You Do?
I would or probably would vote for Romney Votes: 25
I would or probably would vote for Obama Votes: 1
I would or probably would vote for a third party candidate Votes: 1
I would or probably would not vote (at least for president) Votes: 0
I really do not know who I would vote for/undecided Votes: 2
Other Votes: 0
Poll Results
Who is your favorite Psalm author?
David Votes: 4
Sons of Korah Votes: 0
Asaph Votes: 1
Solomon Votes: 0
Moses Votes: 0
Heman Votes: 0
Ethan Votes: 0
Other (please comment) Votes: 0
Poll Results
None of us know for sure, but In what month do you think it most likely Jesus was born? (If two consecutive, choose one)
Poll Results
Is your church having a New Year’s Eve service, event, gathering or party this year, since New Year’s Eve is Saturday night?
Poll Results
Is Santa coming to town and church? What is your church’s (or pastor’s) stance?
Poll Results
Does Isaiah 60:6 apply in any way to the Magi?
Poll Results
Where Do You Think the Ark of the Covenant Is Right Now?
Probably Underneath the Temple Mount Votes: 1
In Ethiopia Votes: 0
Underneath Golgotha Votes: 0
In Egypt Votes: 0
Mt. Nebo or near the Jordan Votes: 0
In the Dead Sea area Votes: 0
It has been destroyed Votes: 5
Who cares? Votes: 2
Other Votes: 3
Poll Results
Christmas is on Sunday this year. What is your church doing?