Josh Duggar resigns from Family Research Council after sexual abuse allegations
“Josh Duggar, of TLC’s ‘19 Kids and Counting,’ resigned his position at the Family Research Council Thursday after reports surfaced that he allegedly sexually assaulted four female siblings in the large family, plus an additional female victim.” Josh Duggar resigns
Related: What You Need to Know about the Josh Duggar Police Report
Well, I for one am done with this thread. Joeb, you have said some of the most mind boggling comments. If your faith hangs by a thread because of what some unsaved 14 year old did, then pm me, I can point you to some really good resources.
This is a feeding frenzy. Sanity has forsaken this thread.
1 Kings 8:60 - so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other.
There is no doubt that these are difficult situations. I am not sure how I would handle it, and I hope I don’t have to.
Most people are focused, in fact I think everyone is focused on, Josh and no one is mentioning the victims. From a legal perspective, the District Attorney and the courts represent the rights of the victims not the perp. I don’t know what should have happened to Josh, but I do think the victims should have had a chance and the legal system should have run its course. I am disturbed that the dad allowed this to continue, and I think if we are honest, all of us would agree that allowing this to continue was not right.
In addition, everyone is glossing over the fact that this was an older child that was violating the rights of younger children against their will. I cannot fathom why people think this is something that should be wiped away because forgiveness was sought. Again, if we were all honest, and we had a neighbor teen doing this to your young innocent daughter that just having the teen come over and say he was sorry to your daughter would not be sufficient. Come one guys! Doesn’t anyone have a little girl in their family?
The reason no one is talking about the victims is because this was several years ago, and the girls/women have not talked about it. We don’t know what they think.
All we know is some celebrity gossip website (In Touch) dug up and released a police report that no longer officially exists!
As of me writing this the Duggar women/girls have made no comments.
What we do know is the media and others are going after Josh like he is a first class molester. Maybe he is. I have no idea and neither do you.
I am simply shocked at the number of people who seem to say they would turn their 14 year old son over to the police with little regard for him. “If you do the crime you do the time”… That is what Joeb said about a 14 year old boy!
We do know from the police report that at least one of the victims felt uncomfortable when Josh returned from his working at his friends place for the few months that he was sent away. What I meant not talking about them, was that no one seems to have any concern for them, just about what could have happened to Josh if he was turned in. We do know for sure that the children were traumatized and that this will have an effect on them to some degree for the rest of their life. The difference is that they did not have a choice in this incident, Josh did. We are all concerned that Josh’s life will be messed up, but nothing about the young victims. In addition, this wasn’t just a family affair, it also involved other families.
I think there are situations where we would have to turn our child over to the police. If your child murdered someone, or was caught drunk driving. The question is where is the line. Some view this as just a kid who was just curious and made a mistake (I think the police report clearly shows this wasn’t entirely the case), others say that this was a kid out of control, assaulting numerous kids over a period of time and hiding it. I think it is up to each family on how to handle this. With that said, if there was no statute of limitations (a technicality), Josh would have probably had some form of a criminal charges listed. What those look like we have no idea.
Is he a molester? I don’t know. That isn’t my call, but the pattern, if it was my child would seriously alarm me, and I would have taken significantly more action than the Duggars took, significantly more.
I just don’t know that arresting their brother helps any of them.
Its hard to talk about someone when they haven’t talked to the media.
Josh did have a choice. He messed up. He plainly admits that.
What would’ve happened to Josh if he had been turned over to the police in 2003? We do know. He would’ve been sent to Juvenile Hall and labeled a sex offender. He would’ve spent the time from 14 to 21 with crack dealers, drug addicts, assaulters, and arrested gang members. The Josh we knew a week ago would not have existed.
And, it doesn’t seem that the girls would be any different had Josh been arrested. They seem happy… unless what is shown in public is all a lie.
[Mark_Smith]They seem happy… unless what is shown in public is all a lie.
It is reality TV. Come on!
I have been to, worked at, and known people who have worked at our JV hall. It is no place to send a kid who has a CHANCE at redemption. That is my honest assessment.
Here’s the real problem “we Christians” have: When we portray ourselves as so perfect while pointing out the sins of others. It’s not just “the Duggars” … it’s probably all of us!
We are in an absolute cultural revolution - as the Irish gay marriage vote demonstrates.
So consider this: How ‘hypocrite’ Michelle Duggar compared transgender people to ‘child predators’ 12 years AFTER her own son admitted molesting young girls as they slept
Caveat: The Daily Mail is a slimy tabloid … but listen to the robocall or read the text of it (in the above article).
“We Christians” do not have perfect marriages or perfect families, but we had better get our own houses in order if we are to survive in this immoral world.…
So where are the voices of the saints, denouncing the state for usurping the right to redefine marriage? Where are the sermons being preached and the articles being published against divorce as a redefinition of marriage? Where are the churches that refuse to accept unrepentant divorced persons as members—or, for that matter, who refuse to keep them out of public ministry and leadership?
JimBob is not a pastor. Josh is his son and the victims are his daughters.
Second, it is “situational ethics”, not “situation ethics”. Are you a horrible typist who doesn’t proofread, or are you that bad at writing, grammar, syntax, and typing?
Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)
Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA
Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University
[Mark_Smith]I just don’t know that arresting their brother helps any of them.
Its hard to talk about someone when they haven’t talked to the media.
Josh did have a choice. He messed up. He plainly admits that.
What would’ve happened to Josh if he had been turned over to the police in 2003? We do know. He would’ve been sent to Juvenile Hall and labeled a sex offender. He would’ve spent the time from 14 to 21 with crack dealers, drug addicts, assaulters, and arrested gang members. The Josh we knew a week ago would not have existed.
And, it doesn’t seem that the girls would be any different had Josh been arrested. They seem happy… unless what is shown in public is all a lie.
He also might have gotten saved in juvenile detention as well. I’ve had many students that went to Juvi and God used it to draw them to himself. And he would have served the time (which probably would have been 6 months to 2 years and a fine for the crime (at least that’s what it is in my state for 4th degree sexual conduct-which happens to be a misdemeanor for a child to fondle another a unwilling child). And it wouldn’t have been as big of a blow-up because of cover-up that the Duggars, the church, and the police participated in.
If Josh had been a repeat offender or had done this crime after he turned 18, only then would he hae been labeled a sex offender by the state. Because of the way that his family, the church, and the authorities handled it by covering it up, he will forever be labeled by society as a sex offender………
I can say with complete honesty I haven’t read one word of Gothard, or heard one minute of him. I only know a tiny bit about him from reading a few things here at SI.
Let’s say Josh had been investigated before the statute of limitations expired. Let’s say he served a year. Let’s say we were just now finding out about it (ie they hadn’t mentioned it until now). Do you think TLC would not have dropped the show? Do you think the world would not still write “Josh Duggar is a convicted child molester” stories?