What is the most significant need (or blindspot) among members of your local church?

Forum category

Poll Results

What is the most significant need (or blindspot) among members of your local church?

will not work or accept church responsibilities Votes: 0
more need to tithe Votes: 0
music issues Votes: 0
need more fire, power, filling of Spirit Votes: 2
low moral standards Votes: 2
irregularly attend worship Votes: 3
doctrinally ignorant Votes: 2
need to witness more faithfully Votes: 0
children are out of order Votes: 0
wives are not submissive to husbands Votes: 1
husbands do not love wives Votes: 0
other Votes: 2

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


I would think that a category along the lines of preach/express Christian belief but do not practice being a Christian. I am assuming that the ‘Lack of moral standards’ fits that bill, or perhaps the ‘other’ category. Since 25% fall into ‘other’, that area should be researched to determine what the ‘other’ amounts to.

Yes, I think that we are thinking along the same lines, James.

Peace and joy