What Does Your Church Do Collectively Re: the Persecuted Church?
This poll is a sampling of some possible things your church might do as a collective body, but it is not complete when it comes to possible combinations, so please choose the answer that most resembles what your church does. Avoid “other” unless there is much more that the selections above.
Educating, praying, and giving are the three most common ways we can help. Education can come in the form of a guest speaker, video clips, bulletin inserts, power points, a class, or sharing info at a prayer meeting, for example. Prayer can be a dedicated meeting (our church does an annual prayer meeting, for example), or consistent mention in pastoral prayers, or a weekly/monthly/quarterly special prayer on Sunday mornings.
Making magazines and literature available is another form of education.
In most solid churches, we will have some members who get publications or are otherwise involved with the Persecuted Church, perhaps sensing a special burden based upon spiritual gifts or interest. But that is not what this poll is about — this is about a church’s intended event or practice when gathered. Your comments are very welcome.
In the past few years, I have been able to travel and teach persecuted believers in Asia. This has led our church to pray for individuals by name. In many cases, these are brothers and sisters I have come to know and share with my congregation.
Thank you for asking the question. I have raised this issue with local church leadership which was open but also has not done much with what I presented. I presented the biblical injunction to pray for those persecuted for the cause of Christ and to enter into their suffering by the help of The Holy Spirit.
It not only honors the Lord and obeys His Word, but it helps us in the west and in the USA especially to be more grateful for Providence's kindness to us in our place and time.