Requesting prayers
I had shoulder replacement surgery on 8/16. I have not been home since.
My shoulder had to be immobilized for 6 weeks. Because I walk with either a walker or crutches, I’ve been unable to walk.
I was basically bedridden from 8/16 until last Friday
I am now at the Courage Center in Golden Valley Minnesota
You Tube short
How I am doing.
I hope to be home by Thanksgiving
Please pray for me
May God be merciful to you and grant you full recovery so that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 2).
Jim, I have missed your posts her on SI. Thank you for the update so I know to pray.
I’m praying for you, Jim.
Praying for you Jim.
Finally after 12 weeks away from home, I will be going home today to our house in Plymouth MN this morning at 9:30. Thanks for all the prayers.
Short video of me walking yesterday