‘Rise Up, O Men of God!’

It has often been noted that—tempted as we as preachers might be—we can never preach to the crowd that is not present. This column might be a bit unusual, then, as one might say that it is presented for the person who will never read it. At least in the case of the written word, however, it can be posted for all to see—and share.


GuideStone survey spotlights pastors’ struggle with physical, financial, mental stresses


“The survey findings revealed that many pastors struggle with their level of financial knowledge. Fewer than half said they were somewhat or very well prepared for financial matters by their college, seminary or first employer in ministry, while 48% said they put off thinking about financial matters because they don’t feel knowledgeable in that area.” - The Baptist Paper


Stay Faithful in Ministry: 2 Lessons from Gideon


“Ministry is hard and ministers are flawed…. Ministers give in to doubts and distractions, cynicism and cowardice, gossip and glory-hunting. While gathered with fellow ministers we may pretend otherwise, but sitting alone in our studies, we know it’s true.” - TGC


Ministry Workers Attend Refine Conference


“The Baptist Network Northwest partnered with Corban University to host the fellowship’s Refine Conference. Nearly 100 ministry workers attended the two-day event.” - RBM
