You Aren’t Singing Just for God


“When we don’t make a point of singing to one another, we forget musical worship is a mutual activity, a discipline that calls us to recognize and relate to each other as we worship the Lord.” - TGC


What Makes a Ministry Appealing? (Part 2)

In the previous installment, I began building upon a statement by my professor of systematic theology at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Myron J. Houghton. Basing his thoughts on 2 Cor. 2:15-16, Dr. Houghton stated: “Your ministry is like a fragrance. It will attract some, and it will repel others.”


Should Pastors Write Books? 4 Questions to Consider


“When you try to square this with ministry’s weekly demands and emotional toll, it doesn’t look so simple. Rather than jumping at the first opportunity to get published, I encourage pastors to slow down, discern, and ask, Should I write a book?” - TGC


Balance in Ministry: Learning from Mary and Martha


“It’s easy to get lost in the busyness of ministry—planning services, running programs, and meeting needs. Yet, without regularly anchoring ourselves in the presence of Jesus, our actions can become hollow, more about doing for God than being with Him.” - Brian Cederquist


What Makes a Ministry Appealing? (Part 1)

I marvel with gratitude at the wonderful opportunities that the Lord God has given me to learn from some exceptional teachers. My appreciation of this gift only grows as the years go by—and as I speak with other Christian leaders who, for one reason or another, never had such an opportunity.

One of the men who has had the greatest impact upon my theology and thinking is Dr. Myron J. Houghton, about whom I have written before. I had the awesome privilege of studying under him in five courses at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary.
