When the Paychecks Stop: Spiritual Care for the Unemployed


“When we stand with those who have lost jobs—validating their pain, meeting practical needs, and consistently pointing to their unshakable identity in Christ—we embody the gospel in desperately needed ways.” - TGC


The Puritan as Killjoy: Truth Is Stranger than Fiction


“Cotton acknowledges that rest was for the good of the body and spirit. What was to be avoided was ‘love of Sleep and Ease’ to the neglect of godly service. Likewise, recreation and play glorify God when they are properly enjoyed.” - Acton


Most Churches Report Good Financial Health


“around 3 in 5 U.S. congregations say their current financial health is either good (35%) or excellent (26%). Another 28% say they are tight but able to manage. Only around 1 in 10 say they have some difficulty (8%) or serious difficulty (3%).” - Lifeway


When Small Groups Replace Sunday Church Attendance


“…believers are increasingly prioritizing small group gatherings over traditional Sunday church attendance. This shift raises important questions about the role of corporate worship, discipleship, and the future of the local church” - C.Leaders
