The cost of conservative hypocrisy
“To the shock of hundreds of thousands of normie conservatives… Rubin was congratulated by official TheBlaze TV and PragerU accounts. Other prominent conservatives, including Christopher Rufo and Christina Pushaw, slapped the ‘expectant’ fathers on the virtual back. Gov. Ron DeSantis sent the babies onesies. So what do these ‘conservatives’ think they are conserving?” - WNG
Hypocrisy isn’t quite the word I would use. I’m not sure there is a single word. A huge swath of what used to be conservatism abandoned the sport in order to win the game. So they gained power and no longer have much good use for it.
The best I can say about that lot is “they are marginally better on some things than the alternative.”
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
That’s populism for you.
I think a lot of Christians are making huge mistakes with their unqualified support for their “conservative” stars
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3 that as politics became more and more the province of the "politico-babe", we are going to see more and more of the behaviors of those whose primary talents are held in cups and corsets instead of within a cranium. Ms. St. Clair and others have simply taken sex appeal to its next logical step. The fix for this, if it is possible, is to remind people that bad things happen when one thinks between one's legs instead of between one's ears.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
In other countries there are more than 2 parties that typically hold control and thus we find them compromising with another party to form a coalition government. In many respects we have seen both the republicans and democrats doing that in a more behind the scenes way. While the democrats have formed a coalition with the Marxists, the republicans have formed a coalition with the Libertarians. Thus, both sides have become much less conservative.