The Rise of the Right-Wing Exvangelical


“…we are now seeing the emergence of what might be called “right exvangelicalism.” If left exvangelicals sought to keep Jesus but dispense with the church, right exvangelicals are following a similar trajectory, but from the other side of the political spectrum.” - Mere Orthodoxy


Is There a Post-Religious Right on the Horizon?


“Is there a rising number of non-religious Republicans that are going to take the party in a less socially conservative direction? Let’s see what the data has to say about that.” - Ryan Burge


A Year in the Life of a Disordered World


“The perverse effect of the Freedom Caucus…has been to push policy to the left. By refusing to compromise and therefore making it impossible for the House to act, they often empower the Democratic Senate to wield greater power.” - Law & Liberty


Is the New Right Just the Old Left?


“A collection of essays by New Right thinkers has a lot to say about what is wrong with the ‘establishment Right’….their solutions ironically reflect a neglect of constitutional order that got us in our current state to begin with.” - Acton


Is the New Right Fascist?


“Starting with the emergence of the ‘Alt-Right’ during the 2010s, a different group of political right-wing ideologues have surfaced to defend very different principles from those of traditional American conservatism.” - Acton


What Is Christian Nationalism Exactly?


“the word ‘nationalism’ cannot be disconnected from its early 20th-century history in Spain, Italy, and, most notably, Germany, nor from the revolutionary nationalism that spread across the Third World in the latter part of the 20th century. In all cases, promises of ‘liberation’ brought only brutal tyranny.” - Breakpoint
