National Conservatism and the Great Controversy Reborn


“The National Conservative perspective today may be abandoned tomorrow. For tariffs one day, against them the next. For raising corporate tax rates one day, for lowering them the next. Pro-Life one day, Pro-Choice the next. National Libertarian or National Populist, as long as it’s national.” - Religion & Liberty


Pence Launches $20M Effort To Defend Conservative Principles


“The Constitution and this great American experiment must not be swayed by movements or personalities, but must hold fast to the time-honored principles that have made America strong and prosperous and free” -


Is the New Right Just the Old Left?


“A collection of essays by New Right thinkers has a lot to say about what is wrong with the ‘establishment Right’….their solutions ironically reflect a neglect of constitutional order that got us in our current state to begin with.” - Acton


Can We Unlearn Race?


“the numbers still tell an overwhelmingly one-sided story: white Protestants consistently dwarf every other racial and religious demographic in the GOP electorate…. conservatives and racial issues are oil and water—unmixable and with a highly flammable element.” - Acton


The Puzzle of Political Virtue


“George Carey’s 1984 collection Freedom and Virtue: The Conservative/Libertarian Debate still speaks to our moment. Re-reading those essays now impresses on the reader the overlap between the libertarian and conservative positions.” - L&L
