“When we remember those men who most faithfully pastored us, we probably think of more than their sermons. And there’s a reason for that.”

“The highest privilege and greatest honor in pastoring is not standing in the church pulpit but praying by the hospital bed.” - Challies


Certainly preaching can be overemphasized… but this seems to me like an over-correction in the opposite ditch.

Still, the focus of the piece is on faithful, quiet pastoral ministry, out of the limelight. Much to appreciate about that.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

While some may tend to overcorrect, it’s pretty obvious that the church (and by extension, the pastorate) is about much more than just the preaching of the word. Clearly, the word in our lives is of utmost importance, but if church were only about the preaching, we could all listen to podcasts by the greatest biblical expositors (which may include our own pastors) and stay home. The church allows the pastor and members to exhort one another and be part of each others’ lives in a very personal way. This has become even more clear to me in our current world where everything is electronically connected, but personal connections have diminished.

This week I was reminded on Facebook about the ministry of the man (long gone) who pastored the church I grew up in. Everyone remembered how much he cared for the people in his flock. This certainly included his messages, but most of the responses were far more about his love for his people, and how his ministry filled his entire life. We definitely do think about much more than the sermons of men who served like that.

Dave Barnhart