‘Rise Up, O Men of God!’

It has often been noted that—tempted as we as preachers might be—we can never preach to the crowd that is not present. This column might be a bit unusual, then, as one might say that it is presented for the person who will never read it. At least in the case of the written word, however, it can be posted for all to see—and share.


What Is Good Preaching? Seven Theses


“Christian preaching is always and only biblical preaching. The sermon’s content, shape, style, tone, and impact are derived from the biblical text. Disciples know that the power of God’s word to achieve its purposes is not in doubt (Heb 4:12).” - Common Good


Four Reasons to Preach the Psalms as a Book


“The Psalms are unique, for while they are God’s Word to us, they also are man’s words to God. The mindset of the people who wrote them teaches us something about the reality of our world” - 9 Marks


Four Benefits of Inviting Evaluation of Your Preaching


“most church members aren’t listening so that they can offer critiques but so that they can be edified. For this I am grateful! Yet also, most members are hesitant to voice negative feelings about preaching.” - 9 Marks


The Missing Gospel at Funeral Services


“He briefly mentioned Jesus, faith, and baptism but never explained why Jesus was so important. He missed a tremendous opportunity to give the gospel to over 400 people.” - P&D


Pastors oppose sports betting but often not actively


“Despite its legalization across many states, U.S. Protestant pastors remain opposed to sports gambling, but they’re not doing much about it…. (13 percent) favor legalizing sports betting nationwide and most (55 percent) say the practice is morally wrong.” - BPNews


Evangelistic Expository Preaching


“Much has been written on evangelistic preaching. And much has been written on expositional preaching. Often, though, we tend to think of the two as mutually exclusive, rather than as normally inseparable.” - Mark Dever


Evangelism Without an Altar Call


“Let me start by recognizing that those who give altar calls do so because they sincerely desire for people to be saved… . Altar calls remain popular today and are increasingly accompanied by an invitation to be baptized immediately.” - 9 Marks
