Who’s in Charge? Authorities in the Life of a Missionary


“A lack of pastoral care is more likely to lead to a lack of spiritual health, which in turn hinders the work of the commission…. So what do we do if the status quo is chewing missionaries up rather than building them up?” - 9 Marks


Are You a Pastor Who Hurts People? Six Diagnostic Questions


“1. Am I Driven by a Concern to Prove Myself, My Church, or My Movement? … 2. Are There People Around Me Who Feel Free to Disagree with Me? … 4. Do I Dismiss Negative Feedback Based on the Person Giving the Feedback? Or Am I Willing to Acknowledge Truth Wherever It May Be Found?…” - 9 Marks


On “The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor's Heart”


From the book: “To be able to bring them the one thing needful when all other things fade away, there’s nothing quite like it. To have something to give when everyone else stands by helplessly, to be able to say something of eternal significance when all other speech, however well-intended, rings hollow on the ear—this is an experience that humbles every pastor.” - Challies
