Stay Faithful in Ministry: 2 Lessons from Gideon


“Ministry is hard and ministers are flawed…. Ministers give in to doubts and distractions, cynicism and cowardice, gossip and glory-hunting. While gathered with fellow ministers we may pretend otherwise, but sitting alone in our studies, we know it’s true.” - TGC


7 Reasons Why Pastors Need Encouragement Today


“A pastor’s work is never done…. Sermon preparation is difficult work…. Seldom is a pastor not at least ‘on call.’… A word of encouragement is often unexpected and surprising.” - Chuck Lawless


Ministry Advice from a Dead Guy


“I’m not suggesting that Chrysostom was always correct or that his advice should necessarily be followed… I simply think it is helpful for present-day believers to hear and consider the ideas of a faithful pastor who loved Christ while living in a very different time and place.” - DBTS Blog


Most Pastors Are Healthy, and That’s Good for Churches


“The pastor study posed six exclusive questions and 11 questions modified from the Harvard wellness project. Of those shared across the two studies, the average pastor score was higher on all but one question.” - Lifeway
