Pastors and sometimes ‘clergy’ in general

In Sanctification, Where You’re Going Is More Important Than Where You Are


“It’s a little bit of a bummer to realize that later I’ll look back at the me I am now and be glad I’m not entirely the same me any longer. But [1 Tim 4.15] has mainly been an encouragement. It means I can be qualified to be an elder and set an example with my life without ‘having arrived.’ I can grow.” - Kevin DeYoung


Brothers, We Are Not Political Pundits


“We can be known for ‘prophetic’ political commentary or we can be known for textually careful, biblically rich, theologically deep, church-focused gospel ministry.” - Kevin DeYoung


Preaching from Brokenness


“How can we preach when we ourselves are broken? Is it even possible? Why would God allow our service to be made more difficult by soul-wrenching trials?” - 9 Marks


Connecting the Gospel to the Capitol

Although I have lived most of my life in the state of Wisconsin—and have lived less than 30 miles from the Wisconsin State Capitol for nearly 25 years—I had never visited Madison’s most iconic building.

That changed on Feb. 4, when, as an individual member of IFCA International, I participated in an event sponsored by the Wisconsin Family Council’s Church Ambassador Network. It was the IFCA Pastors’ Day at the Capitol.


At What Age Should a Pastor Retire? Ten Diagnostic Questions


“1. Are you physically and emotionally able to continue to lead at a high level?…2. Are you still highly motivated in your place of leadership?… 3. Are you a continuous learner? 4. Are you hanging on primarily for financial reasons?…” - Thom Rainer


Thoughts About Retirement

When is the right time for a pastor to retire? There clearly is no one size fits all answer to this question. There are too many variables, and each situation must be considered individually. More to the point, when’s the right time for this pastor to retire? I do have a few thoughts about that question.


Five things pastors and evangelists should stop doing


“1. Stop saying, ‘Turn to your neighbor and say ____’. Your church members love you and won’t tell you this, so that’s why I’m here. It feels forced, awkward and very cheesy. Trust me, your church members hate it.” - Phil Cooke


Should Pastors Write Books? 4 Questions to Consider


“When you try to square this with ministry’s weekly demands and emotional toll, it doesn’t look so simple. Rather than jumping at the first opportunity to get published, I encourage pastors to slow down, discern, and ask, Should I write a book?” - TGC


Pastors, AI Is Here: 3 Questions You Should Be Asking


“This impact will be at least as great as the internet and email were. So as we consider AI in light of ministry, its present and future, I suggest three conversations pastors should have not only with stakeholders of your ministry team but also their congregations at large.” - Word by Word
