Pastors and sometimes ‘clergy’ in general

Should Pastors Write Books? 4 Questions to Consider


“When you try to square this with ministry’s weekly demands and emotional toll, it doesn’t look so simple. Rather than jumping at the first opportunity to get published, I encourage pastors to slow down, discern, and ask, Should I write a book?” - TGC


Pastors, AI Is Here: 3 Questions You Should Be Asking


“This impact will be at least as great as the internet and email were. So as we consider AI in light of ministry, its present and future, I suggest three conversations pastors should have not only with stakeholders of your ministry team but also their congregations at large.” - Word by Word


On planning and making the most of a sabbatical


“If done well, a pastor’s sabbatical will glorify God as they come back eager to be a blessing to their family, church, and community….Here are five steps I encourage pastors to use to help their church implement sabbaticals.” - Lifeway


Why a Pastor Did Not Survive a Difficult Church: An Interview


“…there was one key event that produced more significant conflict within the church early in my tenure that seemed to solidify a couple of key groups in their opposition to my ministry. It was a church discipline issue that presented itself six weeks after I arrived at the church.” - Church Answers


40 Things I’ve Learned in 40 Years of Ministry


“It was forty years ago that I began serving a small rural church in southern Indiana. I was so incredibly green then; I’m glad I didn’t always realize it. I loved those people in that church, and for some reason, they loved me, too.” - Thom Rainer


Joy Banishes Burnout: How Pastors Finish Well


“…two issues that hinder people from finishing well. The first is disappointment over what they have experienced…. The second issue is insecurity — a feeling of inadequacy that triggers harmful attitudes, actions, and lifestyles.” - Desiring God


Best Books for Pastors in 2024


“We asked pastors around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2024 that helped you be a better pastor? We’ve curated their responses below.” - 9 Marks


Pastoral Authority in the Age of Podcasts


“Where congregants once began with ‘My grandmother always said …’ they now regularly begin with ‘I was listening to this podcast …’ or ‘I saw on YouTube …’” - TGC


Pastoral burnout is a real thing


“Smile on face. Energy in eyes. Hair in place. Face of happiness … something I had refined over many years. Heart wounded. Mind and body tired. Soul empty.” - CPost


Holding Pastors Accountable


“[T]he Lawson case reveals that the problem was deeper. Steve Lawson was not actually the pastor of the church where he was the lead preacher. He was not an elder at Trinity or even a member of the church!” - P&D
