And the Winner Is . . .

The long awaited 2010 Writing Contest restuls are in. There were numerous strong entries this year and we wish we could give awards for many more of them. Many thanks to all of you who contributed articles!


About Those Contest Winners

Our 2010 Writing Contest ended over a month ago. So some of you are probably wondering, when will the winners be announced? Well, this is not that announcement!

But it’s coming soon. Several excellent articles were submitted this year, and we’ve already posted a few of them. Our panel of volunteer judges is slowly narrowing the choices down to three winners. We should have the decision nailed down in a couple of weeks.


Writing Contest Ends June 30

This year’s writing contest ends June 30 at midnight

You could win $125!
(Even if you can’t get your final version done by then, turn in a draft.)
More information about the contest here.


The 2010 SharperIron Writing Contest

It’s that time again! SharperIron is inviting anyone with writing talent to submit an article for our 2nd annual Writing Contest. This year, we’ll be selecting up to three winning articles and awarding each a spot on the front page as well as $125. If you submit more than one article, you might even win more than once.


Writing Contest Winners

The winners of our first-ever SharperIron writing contest have been chosen!

They are John P. Davis for “My Journey Out of Dispensationalism” and Paul J. Scharf for “Why I Am a Dispensationalist.” These contestants will receive prize checks in the mail shortly and their articles will be published here in sequence within a few weeks.


Writing Contest News Flash

contest.JPGSharperIron’s writing context opportunity is being expanded.

Due to the extreme business of this time of year for students and their families, and also due to the demands of the transition to SharperIron 3.0, we’re extending the contest deadline by thirty days to June 20.
