Faith, technology, innovation explored at conf.


“Using AI technology for redemptive purposes was just one of many topics discussed at Faith Leads Tech — a one-day conference designed to bring together followers of Jesus who are interested in using technology and innovation to provide biblical solutions for life.” - BP News


Social media strategy & the church


“By the time churches have fully embraced Facebook, many of their members and those they are trying to reach may have left it behind.” - BPress


Being Salt and Light in the Middle of a Twitter Mob


Jaron Lanier: “Whatever you say will be contextualized and given meaning by the way algorithms, crowds, and crowds of fake people who are actually algorithms mash it up with what other people say.” - CToday


Tap and pray: Churches using card readers for donations


“The Church of England says 16,000 religious sites now have access to portable card readers. In the U.S., hundreds of churches have installed kiosks where the faithful can swipe a card to donate. Others are popularizing smartphone apps where money can be sent over at any time.” - RNS


Teens' screen time linked to ADHD, spiritual problems


“Teens who report high-frequency digital media use are twice as likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports.” - BPNews
