The Limits of Science (Part 1)

By Brett Williams

Several years ago, while on a lengthy flight to a conference, I found myself sitting next to a young neurobiologist. To some, a theologian and scientist on a plane may sound like the beginning of a poor joke. To me however, it was a fascinating confluence of contrary epistemologies (“studies of the method and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity”).


Atheism and the Evidence for God


“As with many atheists, Dawkins prides himself on the fact that science can provide us with all the answers. However, it is not science that proves that God does not exist but the philosophical system that Dawkins uses to interpret science and evidence, namely naturalism.” - AiG


Christian, Please Wear a Face Mask: Part 1


“ ‘Wearing a mask is for smug liberals. Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.’ If only things were that simple; if only we could laugh off the debate as hyperbolic virtue signaling from both sides. Most likely by the time you read this, though, we will have tragically raced past the 100,000 mark in this country’s fatality count.” - John Ellis


The Origins of Social Distancing


“That the ‘grand social experiment’ of social distancing and government lockdown derived from a 14-year-old girl’s science project by no means implies that these are bad ideas. I say, give the girl, who would be in her twenties by now, the Nobel Prize for Medicine!” - Gene Veith


COVID-19 and the Limits of Science


“The problem Etzioni says, isn’t the modeling team—which she believes is doing it’s best to ‘deliver results that match the data and produce ever-more-complex predictions about the future.’ Rather, it’s the way the information is communicated.


Beating coronavirus requires faith leaders to bridge gap between religion and science


“As these situations demonstrate, millions of people worldwide look more to religious authorities than health officials for guidance on how to behave and what to believe in a crisis. … But it is difficult to build partnerships between faith and health networks not accustomed to working together.
