A test for religious sincerity?


“Linking a personal religious belief to an organized religion’s stated beliefs could be problematic…. Berg noted courts have regarded the relevant religious belief in such cases as that of the individual, not the group to which he or she belongs.” - WORLD


Hold Together, Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Christians


“…the Province of New Brunswick now allows their provincial passport system to apply to churches on a voluntary basis. If a church can prove that it has 90% of its congregation vaccinated, then they can meet without physical distancing (and more).” - Wyatt Graham


“People are so quick to pull that religious liberty card”


“Evangelical ethicists and legal scholars agree that many followers of Christ object to the COVID-19 vaccines, but they’re split on whether any of the objections commonly articulated among believers constitute religious objections.


Are vaccine and mask requirements religious liberty issues?


“If you are part of, say, an offshoot of Christian Science that thinks any medical treatment is a lack of faith in God, you may have a legitimate religious liberty claim, showing what your religion teaches and how you cannot carry out your faith in such circumstances.


When the Government Told Churches What Language to Speak


“Part of the history of us Missouri Synod Lutherans, a church body that was started by German immigrants fleeing persecution from the state church, is how congregations switched from the German language in worship to English, due to the patriotic anti-German sentiments of Americans during World War I.” - Veith


Army Chaplains: Clearing Up Some Myths


“I’ve seen posts that claim that Army chaplains cannot pray in Jesus’ name when they conduct their worship services. Some people claim that chaplains are forced to conduct services for other religions. Hopefully this post will help clear up some of these common myths related to military chaplaincy.” - Tim McKnight
