Christian baker appeals ruling on gender transition cake


“In a notice filed Monday, lawyers for Jack Phillips asked the appeals court to review the June ruling by a Denver judge by looking at both procedural issues and whether the ruling violated Phillips’ constitutional rights to freedom of speech and religion.” - RNS


Union Gospel Mission Seeks High Court Ruling on Hiring Case


“Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission filed a petition Monday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to decide a case in which the Washington Supreme Court ruled in favor of a bisexual lawyer who sued the mission over its anti-LGBTQ hiring policy.” - C.Leaders


UK: Victory for Christian street preacher who was fined and prosecuted


“Whilst he was in a gathering and therefore in breach of regulation 7, however, the parties were together and were allowed to rely on articles 9, 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Their gathering was limited in duration, and they were entitled to gather for street evangelising.” - PCN


InterVarsity’s right to choose student leaders upheld


“A federal appeals court on Friday slammed the University of Iowa for punishing InterVarsity Christian Fellowship because it limits leadership to Christians. The court said the school violated the organization’s free speech rights.” - WORLD
