Supreme Court to hear case of praying football coach


“Former Bremerton High School coach …. After games had ended and after both teams’ players and coaches met at midfield to shake hands, Kennedy would kneel and offer a silent or quiet prayer.” - BPNews


Religious freedom scholars divided on 'Fairness for All' LGBT rights bill


“In a Wednesday panel discussion hosted by the Religious Freedom Institute titled ‘Institutional Religious Freedom: Exploring Contemporary Policy Challenges,’ scholars Stanley Carlson-Thies and David Trimble debated the merits and pitfalls of the Fairness for All Act.” - CPost


Christian groups, including Answers in Genesis, ask Supreme Court to stop Biden employer vaccine mandate


“The First Liberty Institute, a legal nonprofit specializing in religious liberty cases, filed an emergency application for stay with the nation’s high court over the weekend on behalf of multiple faith-based organizations, arguing that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration vaccine mandate violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” - CP
