Why I’m Probably Not Voting This Year

As election day approaches this year, the prospect of voting looks different to me than it has in the past. Whether I look to the left or to the right, my thoughts echo the prophet Jeremiah: “…Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all who are treacherous thrive?” (Jer 12:1).

Hopefully the situation improves by 2024.

Some may wonder what principles would normally make a Christian feel obligated to vote. They include these:


Christian Political Ethics Are Upside Down: “We’re adamant about politics and flexible about virtue.”


“To understand what I mean, let’s refer back to one of my favorite passages in scripture—Micah 6:8…. simple to understand yet tough to execute: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”” (So why is our political culture so toxic?) - David French


Natural law limits government and arbitrary power


“…natural law does not hold that all moral evil can or should be prohibited by the state. The free choice to lie, for example, is always wrong because such acts always damage the good of truth. Yet we don’t legally prohibit and punish all acts of lying.” - Samuel Gregg


What is Government for?


“I don’t think we can deny that government has authority to make regulations to protect life. In fact, it is a significant purpose of government.” - Don Johnson


The Principle of the Sovereignty of the People in America

From Democracy in America (De La Démocratie en Amérique) vol. I, by Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835.

Chapter 4: The Principle of the Sovereignty of the People in America

It predominates over the whole of society in America — Application made of this principle by the Americans even before their Revolution — Development given to it by that Revolution — Gradual and irresistible extension of the elective qualification.


Conservatism and Its Current Discontents: A Survey and a Modest Proposal


“…instead of concentrating its fire solely on left-wing elites, as Reaganite, conservative populism had done, the Trumpist brand of populism did something more: It simultaneously assailed right-wing elites, including the Buckley-Reagan, fusionist conservative movement described earlier.” - Acton


Church Autonomy and Church Accountability as Complimentary Principles


“If a ‘sphere’ like religious institutions is ‘sovereign’ within its domain, doesn’t that mean that there’s no way for another sphere (the state) to intervene even in the case of (say) clergy abuse? And if so, isn’t that troubling (perhaps discrediting of church autonomy)?” - Reason


Why Does Socialism Fail?


“Socialism requires not only that we overcome the self-interest problem, the incentive problem, and the knowledge problem, but we’re going to give these social planners all this power and say ‘…we’re going to be benevolent.’ This never happens.” - IFWE
