Who and What Is a Libertarian?


“It’s more complicated than you think. A new book takes a detailed look at all the factions, competing definitions, and enormous resources that the libertarian movement brings to discussions of a free market and a free people.” - Acton


Integralism: A New Christian Progressivism


“Without question, modern liberalism is a target-rich environment. But so is the integralists’ alternative. Ultimately, it is their human anthropology that is false, and heretical—borrowing from, yet at the same time masking or distorting, Christian doctrine” - Law & Liberty


Liberty Is Not the Product of Any One Religion


“The ideas of liberty and individual dignity cannot be ascribed exclusively to Christianity—or for that matter to any other religion—as they are inherent in human nature. In short, they are what it means to be human.” - Acton


National Conservatism One Year Later


“While the concerns animating National Conservatism are real, its reduction of today’s problems and tomorrow’s solutions to issues of nationality, if stubbornly held, will lead to stalemate and irrelevance.” - Acton


C.S. Lewis on the Specter of Totalitarianism


“We’re less familiar with Lewis the political thinker. But in the almost 60 years since he passed away… we’ve come to learn more and more about Lewis’ significant interests in, and concerns about, politics.” - Acton


Illiberal Integralist Elites


“Nobody seriously thinks that hostile secularity is the ideal state of government, or rejects the claim that society should order us toward the truth or the good. What we cannot do, however, is wink at the authoritarian and illiberal claims about authority that are implicitly, or sometimes explicitly, made in some integralist arguments.” - L&L
