Doubting Thomas: Why the Evangelical Crush on Aquinas Needs to Mature


“The pendulum of 20th-century evangelical scholarship on Aquinas has swung between strongly negative appraisals (…Francis Schaeffer and Cornelius Van Til…) and, since the 1980s, more appreciative receptions (…Norman Geisler and Arvin Vos).


Christian Platonism: Friend or Foe?


“I am becoming concerned that we are witnessing, in the recent ascendency of the ‘premodern’ in contemporary evangelical literature, the triumph of Barth and ultimately of Gnosticism in the evangelical church” - Mark Snoeberger


What Is “Religion”?


“The word first appears in the first century BCE in Roman culture, with the Latin word religio. At the time, it meant ‘scruples,’ the concern that some activity is important enough to be performed carefully.” - Psychology Today


We Need New, Public Conversations About Ethics


“the ‘consequentialist’ or ‘utilitarian’ approach (e.g. of Jeremy Bentham or John Stuart Mill), views the morality of a decision or action, based upon the anticipated result of that decision or action. It seeks to quantify the ‘highest good, for the greatest number,’ thereby reducing all ethical considerations to a ‘pleasure/pain’ calculus.” - Common Good


What Is Wisdom?


“Spinoza defined wisdom as seeing things sub specie eternitatis, in view of eternity; I suggest defining it as seeing things sub specie totius, in view of the whole.” - Imaginative Conservative
