Speaking with a Pastor in Italy’s Coronavirus “Hot Zone”


Pastor Andrea Artioli reported that “he lives in the ‘hot zone’ of the coronavirus outbreak in Northern Italy. He told [readers] as well that his church has been instructed by local authorities that it may not meet for at least the next two weeks. I thought it might prove interesting to ask him a few questions about his experience.” - Challies


Some Hidden Truth Behind Bivocational Ministry


“As a bivocational pastor, one of the most hurtful comments I’ve heard over the years is this: ‘Oh, you’re just a part-time pastor?’ ….In reality, there is no such thing as part-time ministry.” - F&T


Why Some Leaders Burn Out—and 4 Ways to Prevent It


“For himself, Greear says, idolatry has been a driving factor in times of ministry burnout. ‘That’s because idolatry always puts something out there that you have to obtain … And so there’s always somebody … some success to match. The church has got to be this size. I’ve got to be invited to do this.


Public’s Trust of Pastors Rebounds Slightly


“The latest Gallup survey of Americans’ opinions and trust of specific occupations found clergy improving from 37% last year to 40% in 2020, marking the first increase in a decade. Overall, medical practitioners dominate the top of the list, with nurses ranked highest (85%) for the 18th straight year.” - Facts & Trends


New from Pew: “45% of people who attend services at least a few times a year are ‘unsure’ of their clergy’s partisan leanings”


“When politics does come up from the pulpit, a majority of those in the pews (62%) say they agree with their leaders. The political overlap is particularly strong among evangelical Protestants, three-quarters of whom (76%) say they agree with their pastor’s political opinions, the survey found.” - Christianity Today


Church Leader, Take Heed Lest You Fall


“If the Bible’s message about human depravity teaches us anything, it warns that no one is exempt from a fall. All are capable of the sins that’ve turned our stomachs the past year.” - Facts & Trends


Does Divorce and Remarriage Disqualify a Man From Being a Pastor?


“I would love for all followers of Jesus to come to a better understanding of 1 Timothy 3:2; not just for my sake, but for the overall health and sanctification of Christ’s body. To that end, I am thankful for the faithful and gracious teaching of Dr. Thomas Schreiner in the video below.” - John Ellis
