“Pastoring had been my identity for so long I’d given little thought to what a transition from the pulpit to the pew might look like.”


“Left unguarded, feelings of uselessness can easily replace the busy schedule that used to typify each week. A loss of identity can also result if once-filled hours aren’t replaced by other significant investments. As the Lord redirects my focus toward fresh avenues of service, I often rehearse several prompts to help clarify my ministry objectives.” - TGC


Five Reflections on Pastoral Disagreements


“Rhyne Putman’s new book, When Doctrine Divides the People of God, surprisingly helps us answer why fellow pastors might disagree about [shepherding] matters. I say “surprisingly” because the book analyzes doctrinal disagreements, not disagreements over matters of shepherding.” - Andy Naselli


Pastors Reveal Their Top 9 Current Ministry Stressors


“LifeWay Research followed up their survey of pastors in March with a new survey that asks how the coronavirus is impacting their churches and them individually currently. Here’s what pastors identified as their nine biggest pain points and ministry concerns with quotes from actual pastors about those issues.” - F&T


The Indispensable Pastoral Tool & the Covid Crisis


“The most potent weapon every spiritual leader possesses is the depth of his or her relationship with God. With the lockdown of church and social gatherings, now is a good time to reflect on our spiritual disciplines.” - 9 Marks


Willow Creek selects megachurch pastor Dave Dummitt as new senior leader


“Two years after the tumultuous resignation of their longtime pastor and founder Bill Hybels under a cloud of sexual misconduct allegations, Willow Creek Community Church in suburban Chicago announced Wednesday that they have selected Michigan megachurch pastor David Dummitt to replace him at the helm.” - CPost
