On “The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor's Heart”


From the book: “To be able to bring them the one thing needful when all other things fade away, there’s nothing quite like it. To have something to give when everyone else stands by helplessly, to be able to say something of eternal significance when all other speech, however well-intended, rings hollow on the ear—this is an experience that humbles every pastor.” - Challies


Pastors Are Not Quitting in Droves


“We’ve all heard, and perhaps shared, these ‘staggering’ scary stats about pastors who leave the ministry every month. The truth is sometimes worse than myth, but fortunately not in this case.” - Facts & Trends


Pastor in his 69th year at same church


“He preached one of the first messages at Red Hill, which was a mission of Vine Grove Baptist. He was called as its first pastor in July 1950.” - BPNews


Should Pastors Admit They Struggle with Depression?


“For starters, there’s oversharing. We’re hardly meant, as ambassadors of Christ, to talk about ourselves all the time. Also, not everyone in the church needs to know about everything you struggle with.” - TGC
