ERLC: What you should know about the COVID-19 RNA vaccines


RNA vaccines have significant advantages over some other vaccines. They are not infectious, meaning there is no chance the vaccine will give you the disease it is immunizing you against.


Love God and Health-Care Workers by Taking COVID-19 Seriously


“If hospitals are already suffering under the strain, what do you think is going to happen in a couple of weeks when the record-breaking number of cases from last week (and, undoubtedly, the coming weeks) begins to translate into patients needing hospitalization?” - J. Ellis


Why I believe the Apostle Paul would choose to wear a mask


“It would be difficult to argue that Paul was a patsy. He was nobody’s fool… Paul was thoughtfully and carefully engaged in culture and seemed to know exactly how to handle himself regardless of the circumstances. In his own words: ‘I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some.


Anti-Vaxxers and COVID-19 Denial


“… an important and informative paper authored by epidemiologist Dr. Tara C. Smith and law professor and vaccine advocate Dr. Dorit Reiss. I’ve linked to the journal article below. I urge you to read it.


Pastor Who Said He Was a ‘No-Masker’ Now in ICU with COVID-19


“Despite passage of a local mask mandate this summer, Van Noy said he was ‘exercising his freedom’ by not observing it. He told congregants he wasn’t suggesting they disobey laws, but said, ‘In this case, we can peacefully and biblically resist, without violation of the Godly standards we submit ourselves to.’” - C. Leaders


U.S. Data Shows Increase In Youth Drug Use And Addiction


“One of the disturbing findings was that some 699,000 youth aged 12-17 have an addiction to marijuana in 2019 – representing 187,000 new youth with a Cannabis Use Disorder in 2019 versus 2018. Overall, more than 4.8 million people aged 12 or older reported Marijuana Use Disorder in 2019, up from 4.4 million in 2018.” - MCDaily


A Look at Evidence for Mask Effectiveness vs. COVID-19

Curiosity might kill cats but it’s a really good thing in humans. We could all use more of it. I offer the following to the masks-vs-COVID curious. My view on both mask use and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) use—along with most other COVID-related questions—has been that being dogmatic isn’t appropriate either way.


Christian, Please Wear a Face Mask: Part 1


“ ‘Wearing a mask is for smug liberals. Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.’ If only things were that simple; if only we could laugh off the debate as hyperbolic virtue signaling from both sides. Most likely by the time you read this, though, we will have tragically raced past the 100,000 mark in this country’s fatality count.” - John Ellis
