18 in '18: An Adventure in Weight Loss

I set out on a journey to lose some weight this year, partly expecting to fail, as in the past. To my surprise, I’ve reached my goal with three months to spare.

My motives for the project were mixed. I wanted to be a better steward of my body, abilities, and energy (1 Cor. 6:19, 4:2). I wanted to demonstrate to my son the power of daily discipline over time (1 Tim. 4:8, 2 Tim. 1:7, 1 Cor. 9:27) and strengthen my ethos in conversations with him about his personal goals. I also just wanted to look and feel better. I have to be older, but I don’t have to be heavier.


Kid vaping epidemic cited in FDA e-cig fines


“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued warning letters and fines to more than 1,300 retailers “who illegally sold JUUL and other e-cigarette products to minors.” - BPNews


How Did Wellness Become Our New Religion?


“In place of religion, we now have spirituality (or pseudo-spirituality). Instead of church, we do elaborate #selfcaresunday rituals. We get baptized at Burning Man. We pay tithings to yoga studios. Wellness has in many ways become our new religion, with practitioners, instructors, and coaches its priests, imams, and rabbis.” - Quartzy


‘Man-Flu’: It's real?


“Canadian doctor Kyle Sue has declared in the British Medical Journal that I am not being ‘a baby,’ as some in my household have alleged, but instead proposed that ‘man-flu’ is probably real.” Intellectual Takeout


Thank God for Vaccines


“The diseases they fight are worse than you remember. The people who oppose them are a bigger risk than you realize.” CT
