Something positive: Another Roundup of Positive Updates on the COVID Outbreaks From Around the World


“Last week, we published a list of ten positive updates on the COVID-19 outbreaks from around the world. …we thought we would go ahead and publish another round-up of optimistic occurrences to keep your spirits up. So here is another list of reasons why the global situation is not as bad as the mainstream media might have you think.” - Good News Network


Both body abuse and body adoration fail us


“ ‘You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body’ (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We are to glorify God with our bodies, not glorify our bodies. As Christians, our bodies are sacred, as the Lord has taken up residence in our lives.


Is Social Distancing a Christ-Like Response to Covid-19?


“[H]ow can we practically serve God during this season dominated by Covid-19? Three main ways: 1. Diligently praise God for His sovereignty. 2. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, do not give in to fear. 3. By God’s grace, serve those in our communities who are the most at risk of being adversely affected by Covid-19.” - John Ellis


LifeWay develops free coronavirus response training resources for churches


“As the coronavirus spreads in the U.S., congregations are facing a situation many have never considered. In response, the LifeWay Leadership team has developed pandemic response resources that are being made available for free to assist pastors and church leaders at” - BPNews


Speaking with a Pastor in Italy’s Coronavirus “Hot Zone”


Pastor Andrea Artioli reported that “he lives in the ‘hot zone’ of the coronavirus outbreak in Northern Italy. He told [readers] as well that his church has been instructed by local authorities that it may not meet for at least the next two weeks. I thought it might prove interesting to ask him a few questions about his experience.” - Challies
