New Issue of Frontline: Navigating Life’s Big Transitions


“We begin with the transition of parenting college-age children…. Paul Hartog and his wife, Alne, are in the midst of that scenario and share with us lessons…. Alan Cole and his wife, Nancy, share the delights and blessings that come from their experiences of living and growing with their adult children in their home.” - P&D


Reflections of a stay-at-home dad


“it is not what American culture expects of me, especially as a conservative man who might be thought to revere the mid-century family model of a working father and stay-at-home mother.” - CPost


Do Your Political Beliefs Affect Your Parenting?


“I’m seeing a growing number of parents like the mom I just described—parents who truly believe that it’s virtuous to let the kid be in charge, even when the kid is a six 6-year-old with a fever who is refusing to let the doctor look at her throat.” - IFS


Is a 50/50 Division of Household Labor Ideal?


“Different couples have different skills and interests. But aiming for a 50/50 split in household labor, childcare, and paid work seems to me to be a misguided goal. There is no formula that results in a ‘fair’ or ‘equal’ marriage” - IFS


A Just-the-Facts Glimpse Into the State of the American Family


“The EPPC Family Almanac offers 83 little glimpses into what American families look like, and the circumstances they face. As more and more red-blooded populists and well-credentialed eggheads start developing ideas for family policy, these facts and figures are ready to help make sure the discussion is grounded in reality.” - IFS
