Your ‘Fur Babies’ Aren’t Children


“Let’s face it, both marriage and child-rearing are difficult and often arduous tasks that requires more than many are willing to give in today’s hyper-individualistic world.” - Grayson Gilbert


The Good News About Our Economy & Families


“Among both conservatives and progressives, there are claims that the world is getting worse and that the American family had a better standard of living, better opportunities for employment, and a simpler life forty years ago… . There are several factors that play into this perception. The first is that we suffer from … negativity bias.


Does Poverty Create Psychopathic Behavior? No, But Family Instability Appears To


“Children in poor families tend to have better outcomes than children raised in foster homes, as I noted in a piece for Psychology Today. This is striking because when it comes to important outcomes like graduation rates, drug use, future earnings, and criminal behavior, much of our focus is on economic factors.” - IFS
