Will We Ever Disagree in Heaven?


“Because we’re finite and unique and because we’ll never know everything….we’ll still likely have different tastes in food and clothes and music and thousands of other things.” - Randy Alcorn


Does Matthew 24 Describe the Rapture of the Church?


“Many of those who believe in a pretribulational rapture (myself included) have been hesitant … to see that rapture in verses 37–41 because, whatever verses 37–41 describe, it would appear to follow the events of verses 29–31.” - DBTS Blog


How Close Are We?


“Never view the world circumstances or any events with a temporal viewpoint. Recognize that God is constantly seeing the big picture while we normally see what is taking place day by day.” - P&D


The Purveyors of ‘Peace and Safety’

To me, one of the strangest oddities of the year of 2020 was the call for safety in the face of COVID-19.

“Stay safe,” we were cautioned. Here in Wisconsin, our governor even issued an order titled “Safer at Home.”

This seemed to me to be an extraordinary choice of wording—because COVID-19 results from a virus. I’m sure that experts disagree on the best methodologies for warding off infection from a virus. But one thing that you certainly cannot do to escape it is to stay safe. Your only hope is to stay healthy.


Enjoying Eternity: What Will God’s People Be Doing Forever?

Cloud surfing? Harp strumming? Singing in an everlasting worship service? Melting into nothing in the celestial light of God? Is this how we will be enjoying eternity?

Some guesses about our eternal activities are nebulous, and others cross the border into the ridiculous. None of these pictures inspires me to anticipate eternity with joy. George Orwell observed,


The Future Salvation of Israel

In the wake of events unfolding in the Middle East, many are wondering what the Bible says regarding the final, future salvation of Israel—and how the exigencies that we are all witnessing on our television screens right now relate to that future.

It is also common for evangelicals to raise this concern: Why should we be distressed for the nation of Israel today—when they are a people in unbelief?

To answer these questions, let’s simply consider the bookends of the coming seven-year tribulation, the 70th week of the prophet Daniel (see Dan. 9:24-27).


Wars and Rumors of Wars


The End is not here yet. But as every contraction—whether false or real—reminds the young couple that a baby is coming, so the events described by Jesus Christ remind us that He is returning, and maybe very soon.” - P&D


The Great End-Time Revival (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

Did you know that there will certainly be a future end-time spiritual revival upon this Earth? Jesus prophesied in Matt. 24:14, stating:

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

What will that look like during the days of the tribulation? Who will be the personalities that will be involved?


The Great End-Time Revival (Part 1)

It is indeed one of the great untold stories in all of the Bible—to say nothing of the prophetic future.

Did you know that a great end-time revival is promised in Holy Scripture, and that its impact will be such that it will push any previous so-called revivals or awakenings into the shadows forever?
