How It Ends, Part 2: Anticipating the Then


“Our knowledge of the eternal state, however, is much less extensive. Most of it is confined to the last two chapters of the Bible, Revelation 21-22. The environment portrayed there seems to have two outstanding characteristics” - Olinger


How It Ends, Part 1: Taking the Long View


“There are significant arguments, as we would expect, over the path we follow to get there…but the main truths of how it ends are pretty clear. And thus it’s equally clear how we should live now in light of where we’re headed.” - Olinger


We Already Know the Rest of the Story


“Salvation, however, is not just a one-way bus ticket to heaven, or the earth a bus stop where it doesn’t really matter what we do while we wait for the bus.” - IFWE


Should Christians Prepare for the Antichrist?

Should Christians prepare for the Antichrist? If the answer is in the affirmative, what does that preparation look like? I’ve asked this question on numerous occasions.


Are we Living in the Last Days?


“…no one will be looking, expecting, or prepping when Jesus returns. No books, math equations, or solar moon eclipses will give us any hint when this will be.” - Treg Spicer


Will We Work in the New Earth?


“Many believe that work is a curse, but the reality is that God made work, and it was part of the very good earth before Adam’s fall from grace. It is only after Adam’s sin that work is cursed” - IFWE


Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 3)

Read the series.

We have been considering the potential importance of the Great Reset, which has been promised to the world for this year of 2021, and is being discussed this week in virtual meetings for all who care to watch the proceedings unfold.

The Reset is a production of the World Economic Forum, and is backed by many leading figures from around the planet. Its planks include nearly every item that any globalist or climate-change activist could dream of placing on a wish list.


Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

The World Economic Forum—backed by influential leaders from all sectors of the globe—is planning for a Great Reset. That Reset will be presented in virtual meetings this coming week, as we established in the previous article.

We saw that WEF founder and executive chairman Prof. Klaus Schwab has encapsulated his lofty goals for the Reset as follows:
