Women and Head Coverings: Explaining and Applying 1 Corinthians 11:2–16


“this passage still universally applies in at least three ways: 1. Dress in culturally appropriate ways when the church gathers to worship…. 2. Recognize that God has designed men and women to relate to each other in different ways….3. Show that God’s design for husbands and wives is beautiful.” - Andy Naselli


Defining and Defending Liturgy


“Even in the ‘freest’” of liturgies, the leaders have established at least some order of events. Further, we must remember the clear command from the Apostle Paul: ‘Let all things be done decently and in order’” - Ref21


Love & Discernment: Hospitality and the LGBTQ+ Person


LGBTQ+ people are people. They are made in the image of God and worthy of dignity and respect…. don’t overcomplicate things. What are ways, in general, we can grow in making people feel welcome?” - 9 Marks


How churches are changing: 10 likely trends in 2023


“congregations will emphasize evangelism more than at any point in the past three decades. Church leaders understand they can’t lead a church to growth with cultural Christians (a true oxymoron) and transfer growth” - T.Rainer


What Should ‘Equipping’ Christians Look Like?


A quick survey reveals four basic approaches to the topic, most of which affirm the general teaching of the New Testament. The Generic Approach…The Business Approach…The Psychological Approach…The Pragmatic Approach” - 9 Marks


Lifeway: Churchgoers Increasingly Prefer a Congregation That Shares Their Politics


“Half of U.S. Protestant churchgoers (50%) say they’d prefer to attend a church where people share their political views, and 55% believe that to be the case at their congregation already….Around 1 in 5 (19%) now strongly agree they prefer to attend a church where people share their political views, up from 12% in 2017.” - Lifeway
