How to Manage a Constant Complainer in the Church


“Sometimes, a complaint is warranted and can help to identify problems. Additionally, everyone needs to vent from time to time. But many churches have at least one person who complains about everything.” - Church Answers


Recognizing Generational Values That Could Divide Your Church


“Find the common ground among them all. As you minister to this mix of generational values and beliefs in your church, remember they all need Jesus. All of your people need relationships, even if they go about them differently.” - Lifeway


Pastoring a Transient Church


“I pastor a transient church. Seemingly every week, I hear that yet another member plans to move. Many members are here for one-to-three years.” - 9 Marks


Evangelistic Events or the Alternative?


“God can use programs. I know people who have come to faith at evangelistic events…. But I don’t think programs are the most effective or even the primary way we should do evangelism.” - 9 Marks


Teaching Church History in Our Churches

(Reposted from 2021. Original comments included.)

History is boring! How many times has that been said, mostly by schoolchildren who have to learn names, dates, and events for an exam? History can be boring, but it doesn’t need to be.


On Fellowship, Part 5: Covering Both the Bases

Read the series.

Biblical fellowship is a two-sided coin, or a two-edged sword, or a two-way street, or something. (The title of this post strongly implies that I don’t know anything at all about baseball.)


On Fellowship, Part 4: Measuring Success

Read the series.

Last time we considered a passage from Ephesians 5 that provided some basic principles to underlie our exercise of fellowship. This time I’d like to consider a different Pauline passage, one that helps us recognize when we’re succeeding.

In the opening paragraph of Philippians 2, Paul exhorts the church to live out their unity in Christ in several specific ways—


On Fellowship, Part 3: Getting There

Read the series.

It’s time to look a little more closely at what we’re actually doing as we minister our gifts to one another in the church.

A passage I find helpful in this regard is the opening paragraph of Ephesians 5, which is just one sentence with two main verbs that point us to how we conduct our relationships in the church.
