On Church, Part 3: What’s the Point?

Read the series.

I’ve suggested in the earlier posts in this series that you ought to be part of a local church, an assembly of (admittedly broken) believers—that reasons for not doing that are invalid, and that those same reasons actually call for serious commitment, for becoming an active, registered member.


How to Care for a Big Church


“The beauty of the parish model is the combination of two powerful forces which facilitate ‘one another’ care: relationships and proximity… We believe deepening relational connections between leaders and members who live near each other builds a culture of care in the church.” - 9 Marks


Are We Doing Church Wrong?


Why do you go to church?

Because it’s Sunday, and that’s what we do on Sundays?

Or maybe because you need something to hang onto if you’re going to make it through another week? A Bible verse, a thought from a sermon, an encouraging line in a song?

I’d like to suggest that you may be doing it wrong. Bear with me here.

Let’s get back to the beginning. God has graciously gathered his people into a body he calls the Church.

Why did he pick that name?


On Church, Part 2: What’s in It for You

Read the series.

We’ve noted that some people resist committing to a local church, and I think we’ve demonstrated that their reasons for doing so are short-sighted. Even in a broken world with broken institutions full of broken people, surrounding yourself with your fellow travelers—and committing to them—is not only worth it, but it’s a mark of personal and social health.

So why get involved? Several reasons.


Top Down Worship: Why We Do What We Do in Worship


“A ‘top-down approach’ essentially means that theologically speaking, God has the right to inform and reform how I — or anyone — should approach him in worship.” - P&D


Principles for Leading an Effective Meeting


“Keep meetings short. Long, heavy meetings are hard for everyone. The typical person can focus for 65–70 minutes. Few can concentrate on demanding mental work for more than 90 minutes.” - TGC


The Forgotten Victims of Church Abuse


“A church congregation is more than just a group of people; they are a family. In times of crisis, it is crucial to communicate with them personally.” - Phil Cooke


On Church, Part 1: At Arm’s Length

I’d like to begin a brief series on what our relationship should be with our local church. Like any culture, our culture—early 21st-century American conservative evangelicalism—has its strengths and its weaknesses, its sore spots and its blind spots. I think there are some elements in our church culture that have greatly improved on the way things used to be done—improved in the sense of becoming more in line with biblical teaching—but I think there are also some important elements that we tend to de-emphasize.

So a few posts on some of those.


Does Your Church Have a Narthex Mentality?


“Before these conversations, I’d never considered the spiritual significance of the lobby as I came and went from worship. Merely having this pointed out to me has—in no time—created a more grace-filled heart posture as I approach this preworship and postworship pass-through.” - TGC
