Church History/Christian History

Alternative Facts: Domitian’s Persecution of Christians


“Despite a lack of evidence, Jones observes that the tradition concerning Domitian’s persecution persists: ‘From a frail, almost non-existent basis, it gradually developed and grew large.’ Thus the alternative facts sown by these ancient historians grew to a truism of Christian history.” - Biblical Archaeology Society


Financial Advice from a Dead Guy


“In recent months, I’ve written about marriage and parenting advice “from a dead guy” (i.e., John Chrysostom, c. 347–407). In this post, I’m going to note a few comments about wealth and poverty from this same church father.” - John Aloisi


Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism


“Even as dispensationalism has undoubtedly declined in recent decades, Hummel rightly demonstrates how the system provided ‘at least four generations of white conservative Protestants… with a theological framework to read the Bible and understand the world’ ” - London Lyceum


“The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the doctrinal, theological, and historical hinge-pin of Christianity.”


“Anyone can claim anything, especially in the invisible and subjective and unverifiable spiritual realm….The Bible repeatedly anchors its credibility in verifiable historical events–purposeful references to specific places, people, reigns, and incidents still verifiable by historical records even outside the Bible.” - BJU Seminary Blog


What Are the Fundamental Doctrines of the Faith?


“The historic five fundamentals remain an important aspect of fundamentalism’s history and heritage, though they are not exclusive identifying marks of the movement.” - P&D


The First Best-Selling Bible: A Reformation Story


“Although it was immediately banned by Duke George of Saxony, Frederick’s cousin, the September Testament received the warmest of welcomes by the populace. It sold an unprecedented 3,000 copies or more in its first run” - Word by Word
