Are Images of Christ OK? Yes and No

Here is my stance:

  • Do I think images of Christ today are reflective of his actual appearance? No
  • Do I own any images of Christ? No
  • Do I ever plan to purchase an image of Christ? No
  • Should the image of Christ be worshipped? No, violation of the 10 Commandments. No physical item should be worshipped.
  • Do I think an image of Christ is sinful? No, Christ came to earth in an earthly body and was therefore an image and reflective of an image
  • Do I think an image of God the Father is sinful? Yes, God the Father is a Spirit, he cannot be brought to the level of an image.

I have visited many of the famous galleries around the world and I do enjoy viewing the religious scenes in many instances, although most anything modern has not been enjoyable.

Pretty much agree.

I do not think we are supposed to ‘image’ the Father.

Modern art… It’s such a broad category. Much of it is hideous. But sometimes it is telling hideous truth that way. So in some cases, if we don’t like it, it’s working.

But there is also a lot of beauty.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.