The Problematic Inklings
“It’s not easy to admit that the Inklings—Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and their friends who met weekly to share their writings—weren’t the perfect heroes revered in Christian homeschool guides.” - Mere Orthodoxy
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“It’s not easy to admit that the Inklings—Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and their friends who met weekly to share their writings—weren’t the perfect heroes revered in Christian homeschool guides.” - Mere Orthodoxy
“Darby, not nearly as sanguine about the prospects of the world or church, advanced a decidedly pessimistic eschatology, embracing what Hummel calls ‘new premillennialism,’ or what ended up being called ‘dispensationalism.’” - Acton
“Sixty years later, their sermons calling for change and greater civility still resonate.” - CToday
“…when Dunster withheld his fourth child from baptism at Cambridge Church in the winter of 1653, it made news.” - Desiring God
“The Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has announced its recent acquisition of the Heritage Collection from Spurgeon’s College UK. The collection consists of thousands of books, manuscripts, letters, artifacts, newspaper cuttings and more from Charles Spurgeon.” - BPNews
“…the name Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows’ Eve and signifies the night before All Saints’ Day. For centuries on All Saints’ Day, the Church celebrated the lives of Christians who went before us.” - Breakpoint
“Luther’s theses exhibited zeal, even serious consternation, but behind his bold discontent was a deeper motive—love. Love for God and love for his church.” - TGC
I love this time of year!
The weather can vary widely where I live in south central Wisconsin. It could resemble anything from August to January. More often than not, however, late October offers fascinating reminders of the beauty of God’s creation. The sun glazes the fields as it rises at dawn, and then again as it sets just before dusk, delivering stunningly opulent rays of color. What a wonderful time to go for a walk! Deer and all manner of wildlife dance over a year’s worth of crops ready for the harvest—the signs, sights, sounds and smells of which are all around us.
“His was a day of religious turmoil. Not only were various Protestants, Catholics, and Anabaptists at odds with each other, but all those broad groups had controversies within their own ranks that had to be sorted out” - WORLD
“A number of years ago, I stumbled upon a helpful series of books for teaching children about church history: the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series by Simonetta Carr.” - DBTS Blog