Church History/Christian History

How the Bible Started Luther’s Revolution


“Of all these 95 affirmations and concerns, the main point was simple: you can’t buy God’s grace and you can’t trump the Bible. The Church missed this, and that’s a dangerous place to be.” - Credo


After the Darkness, Light

If you had asked me, as a young boy, what holiday we celebrate on October 31, I likely would have responded, “Reformation Day.”

Sure, I was intrigued by ghosts, ghouls and goblins as much as the next kid—but not for their own sake. I, instead, preferred to think of them as the backdrop, set in place by hundreds of years of darkness, against which the light of Reformation shone crystal clear from the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany.


Spurgeon’s Sermons: Being Mentored by the Prince of Preachers


“C.H. Spurgeon introduced the first volume of the New Park Street Pulpit, an annual volume of his weekly sermons that would be published beginning in January 1855. Over the years, Spurgeon’s weekly sermon became a staple in evangelicalism.” - 9 Marks


Why We Worry When Choosing a Bible Translation


“if [Miles] Coverdale is right about the benefits of multiple translations, why do many of us feel so much angst when choosing a translation? Why is there so much pressure to have the best one?” - Text & Canon


The First Parallel Bible


“Origen’s six-columned Old Testament, produced in the second century, was a monumental achievement in the Bible’s history.” - TCI


The Complicated History of Evangelicals & Slavery


“Sean McGever’s Ownership: The Evangelical Legacy of Slavery in Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield seeks to shed light on this complex subject, focusing on three of American evangelicalism’s three most influential figures” - Providence
