The Church Treasurer – What Are the Duties?

Read Part 1.

I’m somewhat familiar with “where Minnesota golf was born,“ because the Minnesota Mayflower Society where I serve as a board member has our annual Thanksgiving banquet at the storied Town and Country Club in Saint Paul.


The Ministry of Church Treasurer

Through an unusual set of circumstances, I am now the treasurer of a church that I was barely acquainted with one year ago.

A year ago, I was 2 months past 39 radiation treatments for cancer and my cancer doctor gave me the news that the regimen was apparently successful. As an aside, doctors never commit to the word “cured.” But so far so good! My pastor commented to me, “I guess God is not finished with you yet!”

My wife and I began to pray, what would God have me to do with my retirement time?


IRS’ ‘church parking tax’ sparks questions and concerns


“That provision imposes a 21 percent tax on employee parking benefits provided by thousands of congregations and nonprofits from coast to coast. To pay that tax, some churches may have to file form 990-T paperwork with the IRS if they provide parking for employees.” - RNS


Update on the Minister’s Housing Allowance


“This time, the trial court … declared the housing allowance unconstitutional. This ruling has been appealed, and arguments are currently being made before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago.” -


7 Concerning Findings About Benefits for Pastors and Church Staff


1. Fewer than half of solo pastors receive any health insurance … 2. Almost three-fourths of full-time worship/music leaders receive health insurance… 3. Many full-time church staff receive no retirement benefits…. 5. Only six in ten full-time pastors and staff get any type of automobile reimbursement…. CPost
