Crown Financial Cautions Churches About Taking Coronavirus Stimulus Money


Chuck Bentley: “For a church to be in such dire straights this early in the crisis as to require a portion of the $350 billion program raises questions about how well its leadership is communicating with their congregation and whether repaying the loan/grant inside the two-year window would even be possible.” - Faithwire


7 Keys to a Strong Offering Time During an Online Service


“Now it’s time for the generosity stage. With schedules somewhat settled and two weeks of online offerings under our belts we have both clarity and concern. Here are some thoughts on how to begin leading your generosity ministry with a focus on the offering time.” - F&T


4 Steps to Help Small Churches Implement Online Giving


“Electronic giving is an effective way to maintain steady income—and implementing it, even for smaller churches, shouldn’t be overly complicated. Here are four easy steps.” - TGC


Stewardship in COVID-19 pandemic challenges rural churches


“As the COVID-19 pandemic forces the church to restructure worship and establish online giving, pastor Michael Cooper told Baptist Press most of his members are not accustomed to tithing and giving online.” - BPNews


Churches, tax exemption, and the common good


“Christianity Today has been hosting an interesting debate on these issues. Paul Matzko…argued in the cover story of this month’s issue that tax exemption comes at a high a cost to the communities in which they are located….The argument is clever invoking many historical and legal details which, while factual, are misleading.” - Acton


Does Business Leadership Belong in the Church?


“There’s a perception that, as church leaders, we cannot take much from the secular business world and apply it to the church. In fact, many people often object to using business practices in the church.” - Ed Stetzer


Congress nears repeal of tax on churches


“The House of Representatives voted 297-120 Tuesday (Dec. 17) for a spending bill that includes language rescinding a section of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 that requires houses of worship and other nonprofits to pay a 21 percent tax on such employee benefits as parking and transportation.” - BPNews
